Animal Licensing
To obtain a Utah County Animal License, your pet must be at least four (4) months of age with a current rabies vaccination. You are required to license your pet within thirty (30) days of acquiring the new animal, or moving into Utah County. Utah State Law and Utah County Ordinance require that EVERY dog over six (6) months of age must have a current rabies vaccination and animal license. It is mandatory that a license and rabies tag be attached to your pet’s collar at all times. When purchasing a license, you must provide proof of rabies vaccination with a current rabies certificate from a veterinarian. Many city offices and veterinary clinics are available if you wish to purchase a license in-person. These locations are listed at the bottom of the page.
We provide animal licensing for northern Utah County; including the following cities:
Alpine American Fork Cedar Fort Cedar Hills Eagle Mountain Highland
Lehi Lindon Orem Pleasant Grove Saratoga Springs Vineyard
Animal licenses for southern Utah County are provided by the South Utah Valley Animal Shelter.
Animal License Prices:
The price of an animal license varies, depending on the license duration, and if your pet is altered (spayed/neutered) or not.
One Year License
Two Year License
Three Year License
Not Altered
Please read all of the following before selecting the button:
To register a license online, click the button below. Select your option(s) and proceed to checkout.
There will be an option to select whether you are purchasing a new license or a renewal.
As part of the licensing application, you will be required to upload a file containing a copy of your pet’s rabies certificate. This is the certificate you receive from your vet, listing the vet or clinic name, rabies tag number (if applicable), rabies vaccination administration date, and/or rabies vaccination expiration date. A picture of the rabies tag by itself does not qualify. If you do not have your pet’s rabies certificate, please contact your vet and request a copy.
After the application has been submitted, a staff member will review your pet’s information and register the license. Watch for your pet’s new license tag to arrive in the mail at the address you provide.
City offices that provide animal licensing:
American Fork City
Cedar Hills City
Eagle Mountain City
Lindon City
Lone Peak Public Safety
Saratoga Springs City
Veterinary Clinics that provide animal licensing:
A Caring Vet
Alpine Animal Hospital
Lehi Animal Hospital
Pet Medical Services
Saratoga Springs Animal Hospital